
Finally, the Adriatic

From Tirana, up the Adriatic coast through Montenegro and on to Croatia, the topography is simply spectacular. Lush, verdant forests cover jagged, rocky mountains and seemlessly fade into crystal-clear, aquamarine ocean. I´ve been taking tons of pictures, so I have something to remind me of better times when I`m in law school next fall. Oranges grow everywhere, so every stop is an olafactory experience that I wish I could bottle to bring home.

Yesterday, I arrived in Ulcinj, Montenegro, a former Turkish fishing village dating back to the 14th century. The city consists of a newer, modern section and "Stari Grad" that has been virtually untouched for 700 years. Wandering through the old town was beautiful - surrounded by a stone fortress, inside lies a network of narrow, cobblestoned streets (six feet wide, at the most) and two/three story houses also dating back to that era. Although many restaurants have taken over, local Montenegrians and Albanians still live in these ancient homes.

My time in Ulcinj was brief, since I was due to arrive in Dubrovnik today. Of course, no bus schedule is ever accurate or timely, so after getting up this morning at 4am in order to shlep to an "alleged" bus stop, I was told the bus no longer went there, but a kilometer and a half away. Since the bus still left around 5am, I had to run there with my massive bag. Of course, by the time I got there, my bus to Dubrovnik had already left, so I was encouraged to get on the bus to Herceg Novi, a town on the Montenegrian/Croatian border. Sweaty, grumpy, tired and hungry, I boarded the bus.

The highlight of the trip was when our bus drove onto a ferry at the Bay of Kotor, in order to save an hour-long drive around the bay. The ride itself took about 10 minutes, maybe less. Shortly thereafter, we arrived in Herceg Novi and I immediately connected to a bus to Dubrovnik that was literally pulling out of the lot. I arrived in Dubrovnik around 10am, glad that I made all my crazy connections.

My lodgings consist of a pretty guesthouse overlooking the water for less than the price of a cab from JFK to Manhattan. In other words, life is good. I am about to start exploring in earnest. The weather is warm (75ish), sunny and clear and I can´t wait to take a cat nap on the beach in the sun. I am here until Saturday morning (when I leave for Sarajevo), but I am going to try to take a day trip to one of the Dalmatian islands either tomorrow or Friday.

More soon.


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